Spring 2024 Woodturning Class

January 29th update - Our first class met last Thursday, January 25.  We have a full complement of 8 students.   Five are new to turning and three are returning to hone their skills and have some fun as part of the group. We started with an overview of the lathe, tools, and the field of turning.   Safety was emphasized as a priority.  That was followed by Gerald's excellent group lesson and demo.  From there we got everyone busy on the lathes with the help of several club members.   The first lesson was spindle turning using bottle stoppers as the initial piece.   The results were great, as attached photos of some of them show.   This coming week, we will continue spindle turning.   Pen making will be the subject.  I am looking forward to another enjoyable and productive session.

February 5th update - Our second turning class focused on pen turning and assembly.  Phil gave a great demo on turning and included a discussion of the many directions a pen turner can take once the basics have been learned.  The photos speak for themselves about the work done by the class members.

February 20th Update - Our turning class is moving forward nicely.  The last two classes were spent on bowl turning, and the results were quite good.  We spent time last Thursday showing our students some of the things that are possible on the lathe.  Different objects, from pens to bowls to goblets and more, were put on display and discussed to provide food for thought. This week's class will be the transition from group learning to individual skill development.   Our turners will develop projects of their own choosing.  The instructors will assist them as they apply their skills to the work and develop proficiency and additional skills to take it to the next level. Due to technical difficulties no photos are available at this time.