Woodturning Class

The Cape Atlantic Woodturners sponsor an adult education class in woodturning at the Cape May Technical High School. The lead instructor is Joe Jones.

This course is an introduction to the hobby of woodturning. Students will learn safety procedures, lathe operation, tool sharpening, spindle turning, pen making, bowl turning and other wood crafts. Featured will be the basics of segmented bowl design and turning. Members of the Cape Atlantic Woodturners Club will be guest presenters throughout the course providing expert guidance and demonstrations.

We were recently informed that Cape May Technical High School will be doing major renovations over the next year. They have asked us to move our equipment and supplies out of the school. We have done that. The plan is to begin running classes again in the fall of 2025.

Feel free to join any of our monthly meetings if you would like to "learn to turn" and we will do all we can to help you.